Employee Handbook:



Click on colored titles for fast search


Required Policies

Introductory Statement

Right to Revise

At-Will Employment Status


Equal Employment Opportunity (5 or More Employees)


Names and Addresses

Personnel Records

Employee Property


Performance Evaluations



New Hires

Job Duties

Full-Time Employees

Part-Time Employees

Temporary Employees

Bridging of Time


Meal and Rest Periods


Expense Accounts

Timekeeping Requirements

Payment of Wages

Pay for Mandatory Meetings/Training



Insurance Benefits


Sick Leave

Workers' Compensation

Leaves of Absence

Extended Medical Leave

Personal Leave

School Activities

Pregnancy Disability Leave (5 or More Employees)

Jury Duty and Witness Leave

Employee Conduct

Customer Relations

Other Employment

Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Prohibited Conduct

Punctuality and Attendance

Dress Code and Other Personal Standards

Company Property

Electronic and Social Media

Nondisclosure or Use of Trade Secrets




Solicitation and Distribution of Literature

Safety and Health

Health and Safety

Workplace Violence


Employee References

Involuntary Termination and Progressive Discipline

Reductions in Force





Required Policies



Introductory Statement 

Welcome! As an employee of SOLANO'S (the “Company”), you are an important member of a team effort. We hope that you will find your position with the Company rewarding, challenging, and productive.

Because our success depends upon the dedication of our employees, we are highly selective in choosing new members of our team. We look to you and the other employees to contribute to the success of the Company.

This employee handbook is intended to explain the terms and conditions of employment of all full- and part-time employees and supervisors. Written employment contracts between SOLANO'S and some individuals may supersede some of the provisions of this handbook.

This handbook summarizes the policies and practices in effect at the time of publication. This handbook supersedes all previously issued handbooks and any policy or benefit statements or memoranda that are inconsistent with the policies described here. Your supervisor or manager will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

This version of our handbook has been updated to incorporate changes in State and Federal laws and court decrees that have occurred since our 2008 handbook was published.  The law based material was provided by the California Chamber of Commerce and is used by many small California businesses that are unable to have trained labor law specialists on staff.  The new handbook also recognizes the change in ownership. 

Right to Revise 

This employee handbook contains the employment policies and practices of SOLANO'S in effect at the time of publication. All previously issued handbooks and any inconsistent policy statements or memoranda are superseded.

SOLANO'S reserves the right to revise, modify, delete, or add to any and all policies, procedures, work rules, or benefits stated in this handbook or in any other document, except for the policy of at-will employment. However, any such changes must be in writing and must be signed by the President/CEO of SOLANO'S.

Any written changes to this handbook will be distributed to all employees so that employees will be aware of the new policies or procedures. No oral statements or representations can in any way alter the provisions of this handbook.

This handbook sets forth the entire agreement between you and SOLANO'S for the duration of employment and the circumstances under which employment may be terminated. Nothing in this employee handbook or in any other personnel document, including benefit plan descriptions, creates or is intended to create a promise or representation of continued employment for any employee.

Nothing in this at-will statement is intended to interfere with an employee's rights to communicate or work with others toward altering the terms and conditions of his or her employment. 


At-Will Employment Status 

 SOLANO'S personnel are employed on an at-will basis. Employment at-will means that the employment relationship may be terminated, with or without cause and with or without advance notice at any time by the employee or the Company. Nothing in this handbook shall limit the right to terminate at-will employment. No manager, supervisor, or employee of the Company has any authority to enter into an agreement for employment for any specified period of time or to make an agreement for employment on other than at-will terms. Only the President/CEO of SOLANO'S has the authority to make any such agreement, which is binding only if it is in writing.

Nothing in this at-will statement is intended to interfere with an employee's rights to communicate or work with others toward altering the terms and conditions of his or her employment. 



SOLANO'S is committed to providing a work environment free of harassment, disrespectful or other unprofessional conduct. Company policy prohibits conduct that is disrespectful, unprofessional as well as harassment based on sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding or related medical conditions), race, religion (including religious dress and grooming practices), color, gender (including gender identity and gender expression), national origin or ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age, sexual orientation or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law or ordinance or regulation. All such conduct violates company policy. The Company’s anti-harassment policy applies to all persons involved in the operation of the Company and prohibits harassment, disrespectful or unprofessional conduct by any employee of the Company, including supervisors and managers, as well as vendors, customers, independent contractors and any other persons. It also prohibits harassment, disrespectful or unprofessional conduct based on the perception that anyone has any of those characteristics, or is associated with a person who has or is perceived as having any of those characteristics.

Prohibited harassment, disrespectful or unprofessional conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following behavior:

·        Verbal conduct such as epithets, derogatory jokes or comments, slurs or unwanted sexual advances, invitations or comments;

·        Visual displays such as derogatory and/or sexually-oriented posters, photography, cartoons, drawings or gestures;

·        Physical conduct including assault, unwanted touching, intentionally blocking normal movement or interfering with work because of sex, race or any other protected basis;

·        Threats and demands to submit to sexual requests as a condition of continued employment, or to avoid some other loss and offers of employment benefits in return for sexual favors;

·        Retaliation for reporting or threatening to report harassment; and

·        Communication via electronic media of any type that includes any conduct that is prohibited by state and/or federal law, or by company policy.

If you believe that you have been the subject of harassment or other prohibited conduct, bring your complaint to your own or any other Company supervisor, the president or the personnel administrator of the Company as soon as possible after the incident. You will be asked to provide details of the incident or incidents, names of individuals involved and names of any witnesses. Communicate your complaint in writing. Supervisors will refer all complaints involving harassment or other prohibited conduct to the President/CEO of the Company. The Company will immediately undertake an effective, thorough and objective investigation of the allegations.

If the Company determines that harassment or other prohibited conduct has occurred, effective remedial action will be taken in accordance with the circumstances involved. Any employee determined by the Company to be responsible for harassment or other prohibited conduct will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to, and including termination. A Company representative will advise all parties concerned of the results of the investigation. The Company will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint and will not tolerate or permit retaliation by management, employees or co-workers.

The Company encourages all employees to report any incidents of harassment or other prohibited conduct forbidden by this policy immediately so that complaints can be quickly and fairly resolved. You also should be aware that the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing investigate and prosecute complaints of prohibited harassment in employment. If you think you have been harassed or that you have been retaliated against for resisting or complaining, you may file a complaint with the appropriate agency. The nearest office is listed in the telephone book. 


Equal Employment Opportunity (5 or More Employees)


SOLANO'S is an equal opportunity employer and makes employment decisions on the basis of merit. We want to have the best available persons in every job. Company policy prohibits unlawful discrimination based on race, color, creed, gender (including gender identity and gender expression), religion (all aspects of religious beliefs, observance or practice, including religious dress or grooming practices) marital status, registered domestic partner status, age, national origin or ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition (including cancer or a record or history of cancer, and genetic characteristics), sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding or related medical condition), genetic information, sexual orientation, veteran status or any other consideration made unlawful by federal, state, or local laws. It also prohibits unlawful discrimination based on the perception that anyone has any of those characteristics, or is associated with a person who has or is perceived as having any of those characteristics. Discrimination can also include failing to reasonably accommodate religious practices or qualified individuals with disabilities where the accommodation does not pose an undue hardship.

All such discrimination is unlawful. 

The Company is committed to compliance with all applicable laws providing equal employment opportunities. This commitment applies to all persons involved in Company operations and prohibits unlawful discrimination by any employee of the Company, including supervisors and coworkers.

If you believe you have been subjected to any form of unlawful discrimination, submit a written complaint to your supervisor or the individual with day-to-day personnel responsibilities. Your complaint should be specific and should include the names of the individuals involved and the names of any witnesses. If you need assistance with your complaint, or if you prefer to make a complaint in person, contact Michael Solano. The Company will immediately undertake an effective, thorough, and objective investigation and attempt to resolve the situation.

If the Company determines that unlawful discrimination has occurred, effective remedial action will be taken commensurate with the severity of the offense. Appropriate action also will be taken to deter any future discrimination. The Company will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint and will not knowingly permit retaliation by management employees or your coworkers.

To comply with applicable laws ensuring equal employment opportunities to qualified individuals with a disability, the Company will make reasonable accommodations for the known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified individual with a disability who is an applicant or an employee unless undue hardship would result.

Any applicant or employee who requires an accommodation in order to perform the essential functions of the job should contact a Company representative with day-to-day personnel responsibilities and discuss the need for an accommodation. The Company will engage in an interactive process with the employee to identify possible accommodations, if any, will help the applicant or employee perform the job. An applicant or employee who requires an accommodation of a religious belief or practice (including religious dress and grooming practices, such as religious clothing or hairstyles) should also contact a Company representative with day-to-day personnel responsibilities and discuss the need for an accommodation. If the accommodation is reasonable and will not impose an undue hardship, the Company will make the accommodation.






Names and Addresses 

SOLANO'S is required by law to keep current all employees’ names and addresses. Employees are responsible for notifying the Company in the event of a name or address change. 


Personnel Records 

You have a right to inspect or receive a copy of the personnel records that SOLANO'S maintains relating to your performance or to any grievance concerning you. Certain documents may be excluded or redacted from your personnel file by law, and there are legal limitations on the number of requests that can be made. 

Any request to inspect or copy personnel records must be made in writing to the Business Office. You can obtain a form for making such a written request from the Business Office.  

You may designate a representative to conduct the inspection of the records or receive a copy of the records. However, any designated representative must be authorized by you in writing to inspect or receive a copy of the records. SOLANO'S may take reasonable steps to verify the identity of any representative you have designated in writing to inspect or receive a copy of your personnel records.  

The personnel records may be made available to you either at the place where you work or at a mutually agreeable location (with no loss of compensation for going to that location to inspect or copy the records). The records will be made available no later than 30 calendar days from the date SOLANO'S receives your written request to inspect or copy your personnel records (unless you/your representative and SOLANO'S mutually agree in writing to a date beyond 30 calendar days but no later than 35 calendar days from receipt of the written request). 

Disclosure of personnel information to outside sources, other than your designated representative, will be limited. However, SOLANO'S will cooperate with request from authorized law enforcement or local, state, or federal agencies conducting official investigations and as otherwise legally required. 


Employee Property 

An employee’s personal property, including but not limited to lockers, packages, purses, and backpacks, may be inspected upon reasonable suspicion of unauthorized possession of SOLANO'S property, possession of dangerous weapons or firearms, or abuse of the Company’s drug and alcohol policy. 



Suggestions for improving SOLANO'S are always welcome. At some time, you may have a complaint, suggestion, or question about your job, your working conditions, or the treatment you are receiving. Your good-faith complaints, questions, and suggestions also are of concern to the Company. We ask you to first discuss your concerns with your supervisor, following these steps:

Within a week of the occurrence, bring the situation to the attention of your immediate supervisor, who will then investigate and provide a solution or explanation.     

If the problem is not resolved, you may present the problem in writing to the president of SOLANO'S, who will attempt to reach a final resolution.

This procedure, which we believe is important for both you and the Company, cannot guarantee that every problem will be resolved to your satisfaction. However, SOLANO'S values your observations and you should feel free to raise issues of concern, in good faith, without the fear of retaliation. 


Performance Evaluations 

Each employee will receive periodic performance reviews conducted by his or her supervisor. Your first performance evaluation will take place after completion of your introductory period.  Subsequent performance evaluations will be conducted annually.  The frequency of performance evaluations may vary depending upon length of service, job position, past performance, changes in job duties, or recurring performance problems.

Your performance evaluations may review factors such as the quality and quantity of the work you perform, your knowledge of the job, your initiative, your work attitude, and your attitude toward others. The performance evaluations are intended to make you aware of your progress, areas for improvement, and objectives or goals for future work performance. Favorable performance evaluations do not guarantee increases in salary or promotions. Salary increases and promotions are solely within the discretion of SOLANO'S and depend upon many factors in addition to performance. After the review, you will be required to sign the evaluation report simply to acknowledge that it has been presented to you, that you have discussed it with your supervisor, and that you are aware of its contents.



Telecommuting provides employees with an opportunity to work from an alternative work environment instead of in the primary location of the Company. Telecommuting must be approved by the CEO.

SOLANO'S retains the right in its sole discretion to designate positions that are appropriate for telecommuting and approve employees for telecommuting. Telecommuting does not change the conditions of employment or required compliance with all Company policies and procedures. The Company reserves the right to change or terminate the Telecommuting Agreement at any time, without cause or advance notice. An employee’s ability to work under a Telecommuting Agreement rests in the sole discretion of the Company. Telecommuting is a privilege and may not be appropriate for all employees.

The Telecommuter is solely responsible for ensuring the safety of his or her alternative work environment. However, because the Company is legally obligated to provide its employees with a workplace that is free from hazards that might cause serious harm or injury, the Company reserves the right to periodically inspect the Telecommuter’s home work space. Any such inspection will be preceded by advance notice and an appointment will be scheduled. Telecommuters are protected by the Company’s workers’ compensation insurance. As such, Telecommuters are required to immediately report any injuries that occur while working.

The Telecommuter shall be liable for any injuries that occur to third parties at or around the Telecommuter’s alternative work environment.

Hours of Work

Unless otherwise agreed in the Telecommuting Agreement, hours and days of work will not change. Employees agree to apply themselves during work hours. Telecommuting is not intended as a substitute for child care or care for another adult. If a child or adult needs care during work time, another responsible individual is expected to be present.

Attendance at Meetings

Telecommuters are expected to attend all required meetings.

Costs Associated with Telecommuting

The Company shall not incur additional costs due to a Telecommuting Agreement. The Telecommuting Agreement will specify any costs the Company will cover. All other expenses are the responsibility of the Telecommuter.






New Hires 

The first 90 days of continuous employment at SOLANO'S is considered an introductory period. During this time you will learn your responsibilities, get acquainted with fellow employees. Your supervisor will closely monitor your performance.

Completion of the introductory period does not entitle you to remain employed by SOLANO'S for any definite period of time.  Your status as an at-will employee does not change—the employment relationship may be terminated with or without cause and with or without advance notice, at any time by you or the Company.

While an employee is in the introductory period, they are ineligible to receive company benefits that SOLANO'S INC is not obligated to provide as mandated by federal and state laws.  Any absences during the introductory period will extend the time required to become eligible for SOLANO'S INC benefits (i.e. holidays, health insurance etc.) 


Job Duties 

During the introductory period, your supervisor will explain your job responsibilities and the performance standards expected of you. Be aware that your job responsibilities may change at any time during your employment. From time to time, you may be asked to work on special projects, or to assist with other work necessary or important to the operation of your department or SOLANO'S. Your cooperation and assistance in performing such additional work is expected.

SOLANO'S reserves the right, at any time, with or without notice, to alter or change job responsibilities, reassign or transfer job positions, or assign additional job responsibilities. 


Full-Time Employees 

Regular full-time employees are those who are scheduled for and do work 32 hours or more per week. Following the completion of the introductory period, regular full-time employees are eligible for most employee benefits described in this handbook. 


Part-Time Employees 

Part-time employees are those who are scheduled for and do work fewer than 32 hours per week. Part-time employees are not eligible for most employee benefits described herein. 


Temporary Employees 

Temporary employees are those employed for short-term assignments. Short-term assignments generally are periods of three months or fewer; however, such assignments may be extended. Temporary employees are not eligible for employee benefits except those mandated by applicable law.


Bridging of Time 

SOLANO'S will give credit to employees previously employed by the Company, provided the break in service does not exceed 365 days. The break in service time will be deducted from the employee's original service date for purposes of the following:

·        Seniority date

·        Vacation accrual

·        Sick leave accrual

Employees whose break in service is less than the 90-day waiting period for health benefits will be reinstated into the health benefit plan in which they were enrolled prior to their termination in compliance with COBRA requirements. 





Meal and Rest Periods 

Rest Breaks

All nonexempt employees are entitled to rest break periods during their workday. If you are a nonexempt employee, you will be paid for all such break periods, and you will not clock out. You are required to remain on the work premises during your rest break(s). You are expected to return to work promptly at the end of any rest break.

Number of Rest Breaks

You will be authorized and permitted one (1) 10-minute net rest break for every four (4) hours you work (or major fraction thereof, which is defined as any amount of time over two [2] hours). A rest break need not be authorized for employees whose total daily work time is less than three and one half (3.5) hours. 

If you work a shift from three and one-half (3.5) to six (6) hours in length you will be entitled to one (1) ten-minute rest break. If you work more than six (6) hours and up to 10 hours, you will be entitled to two (2) ten-minute rest breaks. If you work more than 10 hours and up to 14 hours, you will be entitled to three (3) ten-minute rest breaks. 

Timing of Rest Breaks

You are authorized and permitted to take a rest break in the middle of each four hour work period. 

There may be practical considerations that make this general timing infeasible and that require SOLANO'S to deviate from this general rule. You will be informed if there are practical considerations that make this timing infeasible.

Your rest break will be scheduled by your supervisor.

Meal Period

All nonexempt employees will be provided an uninterrupted unpaid meal period of at least 30 minutes if you work more than five (5) hours in a workday. You must clock out for your meal period. You will be permitted a reasonable opportunity to take this meal period, and you will be relieved of all duty.  During your meal period, you are free to come and go as you please and are free to leave the premises. You are expected to return to work promptly at the end of any meal period.

Timing of Meal Period

Your meal period will be provided no later than the end of your fifth hour of work. For example, if you begin work at 8:00 a.m., you must start your meal period by 12:59 p.m. (which is before the end of your fifth hour of work).

Your meal period will be scheduled by your supervisor.

Second Meal Period

If you work more than 10 hours in a day, you will be provided a second, unpaid meal period of at least 30 minutes. Again, you must clock out for your meal period. You will be permitted a reasonable opportunity to take this meal period, and you will be relieved of all duty. There will be no control over your activities during your meal period. During your meal period, you are free to leave the premises and are free to come and go as you please. You are expected to return to work promptly at the end of any meal period.

Timing of Second Meal Period

This second meal period will be provided no later than the end of your 10th hour of work. For example, if you begin work at 8:00 a.m., you must start your second meal period by 5:59 p.m. (which is before the end of your tenth hour of work).

Your second meal period will be scheduled by your supervisor.

Recording Meal Periods

You must clock out for any meal period and record the start and end of the meal period. 

Employees are not allowed to work “off the clock.” All work time must be accurately reported on your time record.

If for any reason you are not provided a meal period in accordance with our policy, or if you are in any way discouraged or impeded from taking your meal period or from taking the full amount of time allotted to you, please immediately notify the President/CEO.

Anytime you miss a meal period that was provided to you (or you work any portion of a provided meal period), you will be required to report to your supervisor and document the reason for the missed meal period or time worked.

Please also refer to SOLANO'S’s Timekeeping Policy. 



SOLANO'S does not permit advances against paychecks or against un-accrued vacation.


Expense Accounts

SOLANO'S reimburses employees for business expenses on the 15th of each month. Employees who have expense accounts or who have incurred business expenses must submit required receipts to Accounts Payable no later than the 5th of each month.

If you have any questions about the Company’s expense reimbursement policy, contact Accounts Payable.

Personal and/or vacation travel may be combined with business travel provided there is no additional cost to SOLANO'S, and it meets with the approval of your supervisor.  SOLANO'S credit cards are not to be used for personal expenses. 


Timekeeping Requirements 

All nonexempt employees are required to use a time clock to record time worked for payroll purposes. All time worked must be accurately reported on your time record.

Employees must record their own time at the start and at the end of each work period. Employees must clock out for their meal period and record the start and end of the meal period.

Employees are not allowed to work “off the clock.” Working off the clock violates company policy. 

Employees also must record their time whenever they leave the facilities for any reason other than SOLANO'S business.

Employees will be required to certify that their time record is accurate.

Any handwritten marks or changes on the timecard must be initialed by a supervisor. Punching another employee’s timecard, allowing another employee to punch your timecard, or altering a timecard is not permissible and is subject to disciplinary action.

Any errors on your timecard should be reported immediately to your supervisor.

Please also refer to SOLANO'S Meal and Rest Break Policy. 


Payment of Wages 

Paychecks are normally available by 10:00 a.m. at the Business Office or Store Managers office. If you observe an error on your check, please report it immediately to your supervisor.

Paydays are scheduled on the 5th and 20th of the month, or the last workday before the 5th, and 20th.  If a regular payday falls on a weekend or holiday, employees will be paid on Friday or the day before the holiday.

SOLANO'S offers automatic payroll deposit for employees at all locations. You may begin and stop automatic payroll deposit at any time. To begin automatic payroll deposit, you must complete a form (available from the payroll department) and return it to payroll at least 10 days before the pay period for which you would like the service to begin. You should carefully monitor your payroll deposit statements for the first two pay periods after the service begins.

To stop automatic payroll deposit, complete the form available from the payroll department and return it to payroll at least 10 days before the pay period for which you would like the service to end. You will receive a regular payroll check on the first pay period after the receipt of the form, provided it is received no later than 10 days before the end of the pay period. 


Pay for Mandatory Meetings/Training 

SOLANO'S will pay non-exempt employees for their attendance at meetings, lectures, and training programs under the following conditions:

·        Attendance is mandatory;

·        The meeting, course, or lecture is directly related to the employee’s job; and

·        The employee who is required to attend such meetings, lectures, or training programs will be notified of the necessity for such attendance by his or her supervisor;

·        Employees will be compensated at their regular rate of pay; and

·        Any hours in excess of eight in a day or 40 in a week will be paid at the appropriate overtime rate, at the hourly rate in effect at the time the overtime work is being performed. 






For the current calendar year, SOLANO'S observes the following paid holidays:

·        January 1 (New Year’s Day)

·        Memorial Day

·        July 4th (Independence Day)

·        Labor Day

·        Thanksgiving Day

·        Christmas Day

When a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, it is usually observed on the preceding Friday or the following Monday. However, SOLANO'S may grant another day off in lieu of closing. Holiday observance will be announced in advance.

Each non-exempt employee’s eligibility for holiday pay begins after completion of his or her trial period. To be eligible for holiday pay, you must be regularly scheduled to work on the day on which the holiday is observed and must work your regularly scheduled working days immediately preceding and immediately following the holiday, unless an absence on either day is approved in advance by your supervisor. If you are required to work on a paid scheduled holiday you will receive straight time pay. 


Insurance Benefits 

Medical Insurance

SOLANO'S will provide a medical insurance plan for eligible employees in compliance with new federal laws which become effective in 2014.

Disability Insurance

Each employee contributes through payroll tax to California’s state disability insurance programs. Disability insurance is mandated by the California Unemployment Insurance Code and administered by the Employment Development Department. Disability insurance is payable when you cannot work because of illness or injury not caused by employment at the Company. An additional tax funds the state’s Paid Family Leave program, and provides partial wage replacement for absences related to care of a family member, or bonding with a new child. Specific rules and regulations governing disability are available from the personnel manager.

Unemployment Compensation

SOLANO'S contributes thousands of dollars each year to the California Unemployment Insurance Fund on behalf of its employees.

Social Security

Social Security is an important part of every employee’s retirement benefit. SOLANO'S pays a matching contribution to each employee’s Social Security taxes.



Employees who work a minimum of 32 hours per week are provided paid vacations in accordance with the following policy:

A. No vacation time may be taken during the first year of employment.

B. On the first day of the second year of employment you will receive 40 hours of vacation which may be used during the second and subsequent years of employment.

C. During the second through fifth years of employment you will accrue vacation at the rate of 3.34 hours per paycheck.

D. During the sixth through tenth year you will accrue vacation at the rate of 5.00 hours per paycheck.

E During the eleventh and additional years you will accrue vacation at the rate of 6.67 hours per paycheck. 

The Company encourages employees to take vacation annually.  Vacation time can be used in minimum increments of 1 hour.  Employees who wish to request vacation time must submit a "Vacation/Time off Request" form to their manager.

Vacations shall be scheduled to provide adequate coverage of job responsibilities and staffing requirements. The CEO or store managers will make final determinations and must approve your vacation schedule in advance.  No more than 50% of earned vacation may be taken during the period June 1 to September 31. 

Required Use of Vacation Before Unpaid Leave or Unpaid Absences

You are required to take accrued and unused vacation before taking unpaid leave, or having unpaid absences. Family and Medical Leave (under both state and federal law) is included in this requirement, unless the absence is pregnancy-related or the leave is FMLA related and you are receiving wage replacement through a disability benefit plan (regardless of whether the plan is employer provided or mandatory under state or federal law, such as state disability insurance).  

If you are absent for a reason that qualifies you for Paid Family Leave (PFL) payments, you are required to first use any accrued and unused vacation, up to a maximum of two weeks in a 12-month period, unless you are receiving wage replacement through a disability benefit plan (regardless of whether the plan is employer provided or mandatory under state or federal law, such as state disability insurance). If you do not have accrued vacation, you will be required to use accrued sick leave for the first 7 days before PFL payments begin. 

PFL benefits do not replace all of your usual wages. Your PFL benefits will be supplemented with any accrued and unused sick leave, unless you are receiving wage replacement through a disability benefit plan (regardless of whether the plan is employer provided or mandatory under state or federal law, such as state disability insurance). If you have no sick leave, or once you exhaust your sick leave, accrued and unused vacation will be used to supplement your PFL benefits. 

Employees who are absent because of their own disability may be eligible for State Disability Insurance (SDI) benefits. SDI payments do not begin until after you have been absent from work for 7 calendar days. If you have accrued sick leave, sick leave will be used for the first 7 days before SDI payments begin, unless you are receiving wage replacement through a disability benefit plan (regardless of whether the plan is employer provided). If you do not have accrued sick leave, but do have accrued vacation, vacation will be substituted for the unpaid absence. 

SDI benefits do not replace all of your usual wages. Your SDI benefits will be supplemented with any accrued and unused sick leave, unless you are receiving wage replacement a disability benefit plan (regardless of whether the plan is employer provided). If you have no sick leave, or once you exhaust your sick leave, accrued and unused vacation will be used to supplement your SDI benefits. 


Sick Leave

Sick leave benefits are available to eligible SOLANO'S, INC. employees for periods of temporary absence due to illness or injury. 

In accordance with the “Healthy Workplace/Healthy Families Act” of 2014, SOLANO’S has adopted a revised policy regarding paid sick leave for all employees.

Summary of benefit:

All SOLANO’S employees are provided with 24 hours of paid sick leave for a 12 month period as further defined below.

Employees must have worked for SOLANO’S, INC. for 30 or more days within a year of their hire date.

Employees may use paid sick leave after 90 days of their hire date if they have worked 30 or more days for SOLANO’S, INC.

“Temp” employees provided by Personnel Preference, for example, are subject to the provider’s policies which may be different than SOLANO’S, INC.

Paid sick leave may be used for the employee or family member as previously defined.

There will be no carryover of un-used paid sick leave from year to year.

Un-used sick leave is not paid at the end of employment however, if the employee is re-hired within one year of separation, SOLANO’S, INC. will reinstate the previously unused sick leave hours.  

Paid sick leave may be taken in a minimum of two hour increments.

Status of the employee’s paid sick leave account will be displayed on the employee’s payroll check stub.

Employees shall verbally inform their manager they are sick.  Upon their return to work, the employee must fill out a time off request form for their manager to sign and forward to the Payroll Department for processing and payment.

Managers are to record employee sick leave hours as unpaid sick leave at the time they review and approve the employee’s TimeClock entries.  Payroll personnel will process the time off request and then update the TimeClock data to reflect paid sick leave if the employee has any paid sick leave hours available.

Employees paid sick leave account balance is adjusted to 24 hours on January 1 of each year.

Kin Care

Employees may use their yearly sick leave accrual to attend to a child, parent, spouse, domestic partner, or domestic partner’s child who is ill. Leave for this purpose may not be taken until it has actually accrued.

For purposes of sick leave use, a “child” is defined as a biological, foster, or adopted child; stepchild; or a legal ward. A “child” also may be someone for whom you have accepted the duties and responsibilities of raising, even if he or she is not your legal child.

A “parent” is your biological, foster, or adoptive parent; stepparent; or legal guardian.

A “spouse” is your legal spouse according to the laws of California, which do not recognize “common law” spouses (a union that has not been certified by a civil or religious ceremony). All conditions and restrictions placed on an employee’s use of sick leave apply also to sick leave used for care of a child, parent, or spouse.

A “domestic partner” is another adult with whom you have chosen to share your life in an intimate and committed relationship of mutual caring, and with whom you have filed a Declaration of Domestic Partnership with the Secretary of State.

A “domestic partner’s child” is the biological, foster or adopted child, stepchild, or legal ward of your domestic partner. A “domestic partner’s child” also may be someone for whom your domestic partner has accepted the duties and responsibilities of raising, even if he or she is not your domestic partner’s legal child.

Required Use of Paid Sick Leave Before Unpaid Leave

You are required to take accrued and unused paid leave before taking unpaid leave, or having unpaid absences. Family and Medical Leave (under both state and federal law) is included in this requirement unless you are receiving wage replacement through a disability leave plan.

Employees who are absent because of their own disability may be eligible for State Disability Insurance (SDI) benefits. SDI payments do not begin until after you have been absent from work for 7 calendar days. If you have accrued sick leave, sick leave will be used for the first 7 days before SDI payments begin unless you are receiving wage replacement through another disability leave plan and the absence is covered by federal family and medical leave (FMLA).

SDI benefits do not replace all of your usual wages. If the absence is also covered by federal Family/Medical Leave (FMLA), you may choose to supplement your SDI benefits with sick leave. If you are not eligible for FMLA, you must supplement your SDI benefits with accrued sick leave.

If you are absent for a reason that qualifies you for Paid Family Leave (PFL) payments, you use sick leave during the first week of absence, if you do not have vacation or other paid time off available.

PFL benefits do not replace all of your usual wages. Your PFL benefits must be/can be supplemented with any accrued and unused sick leave.

Paid Sick Leave and Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Paid sick leave is a benefit that also covers absences for work-related illness or injury. Employees who have a work-related illness or injury are covered by workers' compensation insurance. However, workers' compensation benefits usually do not cover absences for medical treatment. When you report a work-related illness or injury, you will be sent for medical treatment, if treatment is necessary. You will be paid your regular wages for the time you spend seeking initial medical treatment.

Any further medical treatment will be under the direction of the health care provider. Any absences from work for follow-up treatment, physical therapy or other prescribed appointments will not be paid as time worked. If you have accrued and unused sick leave, the additional absences from work will be paid with the use of sick leave.

If you do not have accrued, paid sick leave, or if you have used all of your sick leave, you may choose to substitute vacation/paid time off for further absences from work, related to your illness or injury.


Workers' Compensation

SOLANO'S, in accordance with state law, provides insurance coverage for employees in case of work-related injury. The workers’ compensation benefits provided to injured employees may include:

·        Medical care;

·        Cash benefits, tax free, to replace lost wages; and

·        Assistance to help qualified injured employees return to suitable employment.

To ensure that you receive any workers’ compensation benefits to which you may be entitled, you will need to:

·        Immediately report any work-related injury to your supervisor;

·        Seek medical treatment and follow-up care if required;

·        Complete a written Employee’s Claim for Workers Compensation Benefits (DWC Form 1) and return it to the Business Office; and

·        Provide the Company with a certification from your health care provider regarding the need for workers’ compensation disability leave, as well as your eventual ability to return to work from the leave.

Upon submission of a medical certification that an employee is able to return to work after a workers’ compensation leave, the employee under most circumstances will be reinstated to his or her same position held at the time the leave began, or to an equivalent position, if available. An employee returning from a workers’ compensation leave has no greater right to reinstatement than if the employee had been continuously employed rather than on leave. For example, if the employee on workers’ compensation leave would have been laid off had he or she not gone on leave, or if the employee’s position has been eliminated or filled in order to avoid undermining the Company’s ability to operate safely and efficiently during the leave, and no equivalent or comparable positions are available, then the employee would not be entitled to reinstatement.

An employee’s return depends on his or her qualifications for any existing openings. If, after returning from a workers’ compensation disability leave, an employee is unable to perform the essential functions of his or her job because of a physical or mental disability, the Company’s obligations to the employee may include reasonable accommodation, as governed by the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The law requires SOLANO'S to notify the workers’ compensation insurance company of any concerns of false or fraudulent claims.

Paid Sick Leave and Workers' Compensation Benefits

Paid sick leave is a benefit that also covers absences for work-related illness or injury. Employees who have a work-related illness or injury are covered by workers' compensation insurance. However, workers' compensation benefits usually do not cover absences for medical treatment. When you report a work-related illness or injury, you will be sent for medical treatment, if treatment is necessary. You will be paid your regular wages for the time you spend seeking initial medical treatment.

Any further medical treatment will be under the direction of the health care provider. Any absences from work for follow-up treatment, physical therapy or other prescribed appointments will not be paid as time worked. If you have accrued and unused sick leave, and the time off is not covered by federal family and medical leave (FMLA), the additional absences from work will be paid with the use of sick leave. If the absences are covered by FMLA, you may choose to substitute sick leave for any time that would otherwise be unpaid.

If you do not have accrued, paid sick leave, or if you have used all of your sick leave, you may choose to substitute vacation/paid time off for further absences from work, related to your illness or injury.

Procedures for On-Job-Injury or Incident

These procedures must be followed when an employee is injured on the job.  Cases where these procedures are not followed will involve disciplinary action up to and including termination.

1. The employee who is injured must immediately report the injury or incident to a supervisor or appropriate person in management.  If the employee's supervisor is unavailable the incident is to be reported to Mike Solano or another store manager.

2. The Safety Coordinator of the applicable area is responsible for:

                         A. Completing the bottom half of the "Workers Compensation Claim Form" (DWC-1)

                        B. Completing a "Safety Incident Form" for every incident or injury or potential injury, whether or not medical attention is needed.

                        C. Completing an "Acknowledgement for Receipt of Claim Form"

                        D. Reporting incident information to the Safety Director who will ensure proper reporting to OSHA, when required, and keeping an OSHA log.

3. If medical attention is needed, the injured employee's supervisor or a driver designated by the supervisor, must drive the employee to the appropriate medical clinic.

4. The injured employee must provide a verbal report to the supervisor of the status of their injury, including a written notice from the attending physician, within 24 hours of injury. The employee must notify the supervisor of any follow-up visits to the doctor and any work restrictions that have been placed on them by the doctor.  Additionally, the employee must inform the supervisor of any prescriptions that may impair their abilities.

The follow-up process is important to ensure effective management and clear communication between all parties: employee, employer, and acting physician.

1. Employee must provide updates to their supervisor and the Business Office each time they are scheduled for a doctor's appointment regarding the injury.

2. The employee must provide their supervisor updates of their prognosis within 24 hours of meeting with their physician, including changes to work duties, prescription information and/or injury status.

3. All employees with an open Workers Comp Claim will be expected to meet monthly with Mike Solano to provide updates, discuss the nature of the injury and its occurrence.

4. Mike Solano will follow-up with the attending physician on a monthly basis to discuss case status.


Leaves of Absence



Extended Medical Leave 

A medical leave of absence may be granted for non-work-related medical disabilities (other than pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions) with a doctor’s written certificate of disability. Extended disability leaves will also be considered on a case-by-case basis, consistent with the Company's obligations under federal and state disability laws. 

Employees should request any leave in writing as far in advance as possible. If you are granted a medical leave and are eligible for sick pay, SOLANO'S will pay you sick pay for the period of time equivalent to your accumulated sick pay earned. You also may use any paid vacation time previously accrued.

A medical leave begins on the first day your doctor certifies that you are unable to work, and ends when your doctor certifies that you are able to return to work.  EDD, your doctor or hospital will supply the state disability form for your doctor to complete, showing the date you were disabled and the estimated date you will be able to return to work. An employee returning from disability leave will be required to provide a return to work release.

If returning from a non-work-related medical leave, you will be offered the same position you held at the time your leave began, if available. If your former position is not available, a comparable position will be offered. If neither the same nor a comparable position is available, your return to work will depend on job openings existing at the time of your scheduled return. SOLANO'S makes no guarantees of reinstatement, and your return will depend on your qualifications for existing openings.

California workers’ compensation laws govern work-related injuries and illnesses. California pregnancy disability laws govern leaves taken because of pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions.

An employee that needs reasonable accommodations should contact a company representative with day-to-day personnel responsibilities and discuss the need for an accommodation. 


Personal Leave 

A personal leave of absence without pay may be granted at the discretion of SOLANO'S. Requests for personal leave should be limited to unusual circumstances requiring an absence of longer than two weeks. Approved personal absences of shorter duration are not normally treated as leaves, but rather as excused absences without pay. 


School Activities 

Employees are encouraged to participate in the school activities of their child (ren). The absence is subject to all of the following conditions:

·        Parents, guardians, or grandparents having custody of one or more children in kindergarten or grades one to 12 may take time off for a school activity;

·        The time off for school activity participation cannot exceed eight hours in any calendar month, or a total of 40 hours each school year;

·        Employees planning to take time off for school visitations must provide as much advance notice as possible to their supervisor;

·        If both parents are employed by SOLANO'S, the first employee to request such leave will receive the time off. The other parent will receive the time off only if the leave is approved by his or her supervisor;

·        Employees must use vacation leave in order to receive compensation for this time off;

·        Employees who do not have paid time off available will take the time off without pay, and

·        Employees must provide their supervisor with documentation from the school verifying that the employee participated in a school activity on the day of the absence for that purpose.

If an employee who is the parent or guardian of a child facing suspension from school is summoned to the school to discuss the matter, the employee should alert his or her supervisor as soon as possible before leaving work. In agreement with California Labor Code Section 230.7, no discriminatory action will be taken against an employee who takes time off for this purpose.


Pregnancy Disability Leave (5 or More Employees)

Any female employee planning to take pregnancy disability leave should advise the personnel department as early as possible. The individual should make an appointment with the personnel manager to discuss the following conditions:

·        Duration of pregnancy disability leave will be determined by the advice of the employee’s physician, but employees disabled by pregnancy may take up to four months. Part-time employees are entitled to leave on a pro rata basis. The four months of leave includes any period of time for actual disability caused by the employee’s pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical condition. This includes leave for severe morning sickness and for prenatal care.

·        SOLANO'S will also reasonably accommodate medical needs related to pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions or temporarily transfer you to a less strenuous or hazardous position (where one is available) or duties if medically needed because of your pregnancy. 

·        Employees who need to take pregnancy disability must inform SOLANO'S when a leave is expected to begin and how long it will likely last. If the need for a leave, reasonable accommodation, or transfer is foreseeable, employees must provide reasonable advance notice at least 30 days before the pregnancy disability leave or transfer is to begin. Employees must consult with the personnel manager regarding the scheduling of any planned medical treatment or supervision in order to minimize disruption to the operations of the Company. Any such scheduling is subject to the approval of the employee’s health care provider;

·        If 30 days’ advance notice is not possible, notice must be given as soon as practical;

·        Failure to give reasonable advance notice may result in delay of leave, reasonable accommodation, or transfer;

·        Pregnancy leave usually begins when ordered by the employee’s physician. The employee must provide SOLANO'S with a written certification from a health care provider for need of PDL, reasonable accommodation or transfer. The certification must be returned within 15 calendar days. Failure to do so may, in some circumstances, delay PDL leave, reasonable accommodation or transfer. The certification indicating the need for disability leave should contain:

·        A statement that the employee needs to take pregnancy disability leave because she is disabled by pregnancy, childbirth or related medical condition.

·        The date on which the employee became disabled due to pregnancy;

·        The probable duration of the period or periods of disability; and

·        Leave returns will be allowed only when the employee’s physician sends a release;

·        An employee will be required to use accrued sick time (if otherwise eligible to take the time) during a pregnancy disability leave. An employee will be allowed to use accrued vacation or personal time (if otherwise eligible to take the time) during a pregnancy disability leave; and

Leave does not need to be taken in one continuous period of time and may be taken intermittently, as needed. Leave may be taken in increments of days.

If intermittent leave or leave on a reduced work schedule is medically advisable the employee may, in some instances, be required to transfer temporarily to an available alternative position that meets the employee’s needs. The alternative position need not consist of equivalent duties, but must have the equivalent rate of pay and benefits. The employee must be qualified for the position. The position must better accommodate the employee’s leave requirements than her regular job. Transfer to an alternative position can include altering an existing job to better accommodate the employee’s need for intermittent leave or a reduced work schedule.

Upon submission of a medical certification that an employee is able to return to work from a pregnancy disability leave, an employee will be reinstated to her same position held at the time the leave began or, in certain instances, to a comparable position, if available. There are limited exceptions to this policy. An employee returning from a pregnancy disability leave has no greater right to reinstatement than if the employee had been continuously employed.

Employees on pregnancy disability leave will be allowed to continue to participate in group health insurance coverage for up to a maximum of four months of disability leave (if such insurance was provided before the leave was taken) at the level and under the conditions that coverage would have been provided if the employee had continued in employment continuously for the duration of the leave.  The employee is responsible for paying the employee's portion of the health insurance premium that is normally withdrawn from the employee's paycheck.

In some instances, an employer can recover from an employee premiums paid to maintain health coverage if the employee fails to return following pregnancy disability leave.

PDL may impact other benefits or a seniority date.   


Jury Duty and Witness Leave 

SOLANO'S encourages its employees to serve on jury duty when called. All employees who have completed their introductory period will receive time off , without pay, while serving up to 5 days of jury duty. Employees must use any available vacation time for work time missed/wages. You should notify your supervisor of the need for time off for jury duty as soon as a notice or summons from the court is received. You may be requested to provide written verification from the court clerk of performance of jury service. If work time remains after any day of jury selection or jury duty, you will be expected to return to work for the remainder of your work schedule.

You may retain any mileage allowance or other fee paid by the court for jury services.



Employee Conduct


Customer Relations 

Employees are expected to be polite, courteous, prompt, and attentive to every customer. When an employee encounters an uncomfortable situation that he or she does not feel capable of handling, their supervisor should be called immediately.

Ours is a service business and all of us must remember that the customer always comes first. Our customers ultimately pay all of our wages. Remember, while the customer is not always right, the customer is never wrong.

Customers are to be treated courteously and given proper attention at all times. Never regard a customer's question or concern as an interruption or an annoyance. You must respond to inquiries from customers, whether in person or by telephone, promptly and professionally.

Never place a telephone caller on hold for an extended period. Direct incoming calls to the appropriate person and make sure the call is received.

Through your conduct, show your desire to assist the customer in obtaining the help he or she needs. If you are unable to help a customer, find someone who can.

All correspondence and documents, whether to customers or others, must be neatly prepared and error-free. Attention to accuracy and detail in all paperwork demonstrates your commitment to those with whom we do business.

Never argue with a customer. If a problem develops or if a customer remains dissatisfied, ask your supervisor or the general manager to intervene. 


Other Employment 

While employed by SOLANO'S, employees are expected to devote their energies to their jobs with the Company. 

Employment that directly conflicts with the Company’s essential business interests and disrupts business operations is strictly prohibited

Employees who wish to engage in additional employment that may create a real conflict of interest must submit a written request to SOLANO'S explaining the details of the additional employment. If the additional employment is authorized, SOLANO'S assumes no responsibility for it. SOLANO'S shall not provide workers’ compensation coverage or any other benefit for injuries occurring from or arising out of additional employment. Authorization to engage in additional employment can be revoked at any time. 


Drug and Alcohol Abuse 

SOLANO'S is concerned about the use of alcohol, illegal drugs, or controlled substances as it affects the workplace. Use of these substances, whether on or off the job can detract from an employee’s work performance, efficiency, safety, and health, and therefore seriously impair the employee’s value to the Company. In addition, the use or possession of these substances on the job constitutes a potential danger to the welfare and safety of other employees and exposes the Company to the risks of property loss or damage, or injury to other persons.

Furthermore, the use of prescription drugs and/or over-the-counter drugs also may affect an employee’s job performance and may seriously impair the employee’s value to the Company.

The following rules and standards of conduct apply to all employees either on Company property or during the workday (including meals and rest periods). Behavior that violates Company policy includes:

·        Possession or use of an illegal or controlled substance, or being under the influence of an illegal or controlled substance while on the job;

·        Driving a Company vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, illegal or controlled substance.

·        Distribution, sale, or purchase of an illegal or controlled substance while on the job.

Violation of these rules and standards of conduct will not be tolerated. SOLANO'S also may bring the matter to the attention of appropriate law enforcement authorities.

In order to enforce this policy, SOLANO'S reserves the right to conduct searches of Company property or employees and/or their personal property, and to implement other measures necessary to deter and detect abuse of this policy.

An employee’s conviction on a charge of illegal sale or possession of any controlled substance while off Company property will not be tolerated because such conduct, even though off duty, reflects adversely on SOLANO'S. In addition, the Company must keep people who sell or possess controlled substances off Company premises in order to keep the controlled substances themselves off the premises.

Any employee who is using prescription or over-the-counter drugs that may impair the employee’s ability to safely perform the job, or affect the safety or well-being of others, must notify a supervisor of such use immediately before starting or resuming work.

SOLANO'S will encourage and reasonably accommodate employees with alcohol or drug dependencies to seek treatment and/or rehabilitation. Employees desiring such assistance should request a treatment or rehabilitation leave. The Company is not obligated, however, to continue to employ any person whose performance of essential job duties is impaired because of drug or alcohol use, nor is the Company obligated to re-employ any person who has participated in treatment and/or rehabilitation if that person’s job performance remains impaired as a result of dependency.

Additionally, employees who are given the opportunity to seek treatment and/or rehabilitation, but fail to successfully overcome their dependency or problem, will not automatically be given a second opportunity to seek treatment and/or rehabilitation. This policy on treatment and rehabilitation is not intended to affect the Company’s treatment of employees who violate the regulations described previously. Rather, rehabilitation is an option for an employee who acknowledges a chemical dependency and voluntarily seeks treatment to end that dependency.


Prohibited Conduct

Employees are expected to conduct themselves in a manner to further the Company’s objectives.

The following conduct is prohibited and will not be tolerated by SOLANO'S. This list of prohibited conduct is illustrative only; other types of conduct that threaten security, personal safety, employee welfare and Company operations also may be prohibited and will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

·        Falsifying employment records, employment information, or other Company records (note that employment information includes Social Security Numbers and any other documents used to verify identity and ability to work in the United States);

·        Inefficient or careless performance of job responsibilities or inability to perform job duties satisfactorily;

·        Recording the work time of another employee or allowing any other employee to record your work time, or falsifying any time card, either your own or another employee’s;

·        Theft and deliberate or careless damage or destruction of any Company property, or the property of any employee or customer;

·        Removing or borrowing Company property without prior authorization;

·        Unauthorized use or misuse of Company equipment, time, materials, or facilities;

·        Provoking a fight or fighting during working hours or on Company property;

·        Participating in horseplay or practical jokes on Company time or on Company premises;

·        Carrying firearms or any other dangerous weapons on Company premises at any time;

·        Engaging in criminal conduct whether or not related to job performance;

·        Causing, creating, or participating in a disruption of any kind during working hours on Company property;

·        Insubordination, including but not limited to failure or refusal to obey the orders or instructions of a supervisor or member of management, or the use of abusive or threatening language toward a supervisor or member of management;

·        Using abusive, threatening or intimidating language at any time on Company premises;

·        Failing to notify a supervisor when unable to report to work;

·        Unreported absence of two consecutive scheduled work days.

·        Failing to obtain permission to leave work for any reason during normal working hours;

·        Failing to observe working schedules, including rest and lunch periods;

·        Failing to provide a physician’s certificate when requested or required to do so;

·        Sleeping or malingering on the job;

·        Making or accepting personal telephone calls, including cell phone calls, of more than three minutes in duration during working hours, except in cases of emergency or extreme circumstances;

·        Working overtime without authorization or refusing to work assigned overtime;

·        Violation of dress standards;

·        Violating any safety, health, security or Company policy, rule, procedure or violation of the Company’s drug and alcohol policy;

·        Committing a fraudulent act or a breach of trust under any circumstances;

·        Committing of or involvement in any act of unlawful harassment of another individual; and

·        Failing to promptly report work-related injury or illness.


This statement of prohibited conduct does not alter the Company’s policy of at-will employment. Either you or SOLANO'S remain free to terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without reason or advance notice. 


Punctuality and Attendance 

As an employee of SOLANO'S, you are expected to be punctual and regular in attendance. Any tardiness or absence causes problems for your fellow employees and your supervisor. When you are absent, your assigned work must be performed by others.

Employees are expected to report to work as scheduled, on time, and prepared to start work. Employees also are expected to remain at work for their entire work schedule, except for meal periods or when required to leave on authorized Company business. Late arrival, early departure, or other unanticipated and unapproved absences from scheduled hours are disruptive and must be avoided.

If you are unable to report for work on any particular day, you must under all but the most extenuating circumstances call or email your supervisor at least one hour before the time you are scheduled to begin working for that day. If you call less than one hour before your scheduled time to begin work and do not arrive in time for your assigned shift, you will be considered tardy for that day. In all cases of absence or tardiness, employees must provide their supervisor with an honest reason or explanation. Employees also must inform their supervisor of the expected duration of any absence. Excessive absenteeism or tardiness will not be tolerated. SOLANO'S defines excessive absenteeism as more than two days absence in a month period.

If you fail to report for work without any notification to your supervisor and your absence continues for a period of three days SOLANO'S will consider that you have voluntarily abandoned or quit your employment.

Absences protected by state and federal law do not count as a violation of this policy. 


Dress Code and Other Personal Standards 

All employees represent SOLANO’S, INC. and impact the image we convey to our customers and the general public.  All employees of SOLANO’S, INC. have contact with the general public at some points in their workday.  Offering excellent customer service is one of the company’s primary goals and with this in mind, all employees are expected to maintain an acceptable standard of personal hygiene, cleanliness. 

Appropriate grooming and clothing choices demonstrate respect for co-workers as well.  Clothing, hair and personal adornment styles that can be viewed as “extreme, radical, unnatural, excessive, insensitive, offensive, or unsafe” by managers will be deemed inappropriate for SOLANO’S, INC. employees. 

Dress & Attire Guidelines for SOLANO’S, INC. Employees: 

·       Shoes must provide safe, secure footing, and offer protection from hazards.

·       Spiked or unnaturally colored hair is unacceptable.

·       Clothing, hair, and jewelry should not interfere with job performance and must not be allowed to pose a hazard while working with tools, machinery, or equipment.

·       Out of consideration to co-workers who may have allergies or extra-sensitivity, employees are asked to avoid wearing perfumes, colognes, or aftershave lotions.

·       Body jewelry, that is visible, is not to be worn during work hours.  Examples include but are not limited to: eyebrow rings, nose rings, lip rings, tongue studs, etc.

·       Body art should not be visible during working hours. 

·       Clothing with wording, lettering, or graphics that can be considered political, religious, obscene, or suggestive, is unacceptable.

·       Only logo clothing featuring SOLANO’S, INC., or one of our vendors, may be worn at the workplace.

·       Cut-off pants and cut-off shorts may not be worn.  All attire must be neatly hemmed.  Shorts/pants may not hang more than 3” above the kneecap when standing in a relaxed manner.

·       Baseball caps may be worn but should be clean and free of unacceptable lettering or graphic depictions.

·       Sexually provocative clothing is prohibited, such as see-through fabrics, apparel that shows cleavage, buttocks, midriff or undergarments. 

Additional specific guidelines for men:  

·       Moustaches and beards need to be clean, trimmed, and neat in appearance.

·       The sleeves of men’s tops must cover the shoulders. 

Additional items considered inappropriate work wear for women: 

·       Top/dresses with straps of less than 1 inch width.

·       Strapless tops/dresses.

·       Tops/dresses with a neckline that begins more than 4 inches below the hollow of the throat.

·       Any clothing that does not completely cover cleavage, waist, midriff, or back.

·       Transparent clothing. 

If it is determined by a member of SOLANO’S, INC. Management that your personal appearance is inappropriate, you may be asked to leave the workplace to correct your attire.  Under such circumstances, you will not be compensated for the time you are away from work.  Employees should consult with their supervisor if they have questions as to what constitutes appropriate appearance.  The guidelines provided herein are not designed to unduly restrict individual tastes but are designed to avoid offending the wide-ranging opinions and sensibilities of co-workers and the general public we serve.



Company Property




Electronic and Social Media 

This policy is intended to protect the Company’s computer systems and electronic information.

For purposes of these policies, the following definitions apply:  “Computers” are defined as desktop computers, laptops, handheld devices (including but not limited to iPhones, Black berries, smart phones, iPads, and other electronic tablets and cell phones), computer software/hardware and servers.

SOLANO'S also uses various forms of “electronic communication.”  “Electronic communications” includes e-mail, text messages, telephones, cell phones and other handheld devices (such as cell phones, Blackberries or smart phones or writing tablets or iPads), fax machines, and online services including the Internet.

“Electronic information” is any information created by an employee using computers or any means of electronic communication, including but not limited to, data, messages, multimedia data, and files.

The following general policies apply:

·       Computers and all data transmitted through SOLANO'S servers are Company property owned by the Company for the purpose of conducting Company business.  These items must be maintained according to SOLANO'S rules and regulations.  Computers must be kept clean and employees must exercise care to prevent loss and damage.  Prior authorization must be obtained before any Company property may be removed from the premises. 

·       All electronic communications also remain the sole property of SOLANO'S and are to be used for Company business.  For example, email messages are considered Company records. 

·       Electronic information created by an employee using any computer or any means of electronic communication is also the property of SOLANO'S and remains the property of SOLANO'S. 

Information stored in SOLANO'S computers and file servers, without limitation, is the property of the Company and may not be distributed outside the Company in any form whatsoever without the written permission of the CEO. 

·       Violation of any of the provisions of this policy, whether intentional or not, will subject SOLANO'S employees to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. 

Monitoring of Company Property 

SOLANO'S reserves the right to inspect all Company property to ensure compliance with its rules and regulations, without notice to the employee and at any time, not necessarily in the employee’s presence.  SOLANO'S computers and all electronic communications and electronic information are subject to monitoring and no one should expect privacy regarding such use.  The Company reserves the right to access, review and monitor electronic files, information, messages, text messages, e-mail, Internet history, browser-based webmail systems and other digital archives and to access, review and monitor the use of computers, software, and electronic communications to ensure that no misuse or violation of Company policy or any law occurs.  E-mail may be monitored by the Company and there is no expectation of privacy.  Assume that e-mail may be accessed, forwarded, read or heard by someone other than the intended recipient, even if marked as “private.”

Employee passwords may be used for purposes of security but the use of a password does not affect the Company’s ownership of the electronic information or ability to monitor the information.  The Company may override an employee’s password for any reason.

Employees are not permitted to access the electronic communications of other employees or third parties unless directed to do so by SOLANO'S management. 

Prohibited Use 

All existing Company policies apply to employee use of computers, electronic communications, electronic information, and the Internet.  This includes policies that deal with misuse of Company assets or resources.  It is a violation of SOLANO'S policy to use computers, electronic communications, electronic information, or the Internet, in a manner that:  is discriminatory harassing or obscene; constitutes copyright or trademark infringement; violates software licensing rules; is illegal; or is against SOLANO's policy. It is also a violation of policy to use computers, electronic communications, electronic information, or the Internet to communicate confidential or sensitive information or trade secrets. 

The display of any kind of sexually explicit multimedia content, message, or document on any Company computer is a violation of the Company’s policy against sexual harassment.

This description of prohibited usage is not exhaustive and it is within the discretion of SOLANO'S to determine if there has been a violation of this policy. Employees that engage in prohibited use will be subject to discipline and/or immediate termination.

SOLANO'S provides computers, electronic communications, electronic information and information technology resources, including the Internet, to its employees to help them do their job. These Company resources and property shall be used only for business related purposes.

 All policies relating to monitoring usage of Company property apply.

SOLANO'S does not use nor does it condone the use of social media in the workplace for any purpose. Social media is a set of Internet tools that aid in the facilitation of interaction between people online. If you have specific questions about which programs the Company deems to be social media, consult with our IT Specialist.

Personal use of Internet based programs such as Facebook, Linked In, and Twitter (this is not meant to be an exhaustive list) is a violation of Company policy and use of Company property (including computers or handheld devices) to access social media tools or programs during working time on the work premises can result in discipline up to and including termination.

Employees can use their own personal devices to engage in social media during non-working times, such as breaks and meal periods; however, all other Company policies against inappropriate usage, including the Company’s no tolerance for discrimination, harassment or retaliation in the workplace, and protection of confidential or trade secret information apply.

SOLANO'S recognizes that occasional use of the employee’s own computers (including hand held devices) and electronic communications may occur during working. The Company allows such occasional personal use as long as the usage does not interfere with the employee’s work performance, take away from work time or violate any Company policy. All other company policies, including the Company’s no tolerance for discrimination, harassment or retaliation in the workplace apply. SOLANO'S reserves the right to adjust this policy on a case by case basis as it deems appropriate. 


Nondisclosure or Use of Trade Secrets 

During the term of employment with SOLANO'S, employees may have access to and become familiar with information of a confidential, proprietary, or secret nature, which is not generally known to competitors or the public and which is, or may be, either applicable or related to the present or future business of the Company, or the business of its customers. For example, trade secret information includes, but is not limited to, processes and compilations of information, records, specifications, and information concerning customers or vendors. Employees shall not disclose any of the above-mentioned trade secrets, directly or indirectly, or use them in any way, either during the term of their employment or at any time thereafter, except for the benefit of the Company and as required in the course of employment with the Company. Employee agrees that he or she will not remove or otherwise transmit confidential, proprietary or secret information without express prior written consent of the President/CEO.  The above agreement should not be construed as constituting a promise of continued employment for at-will employment purposes. 

The employee understands that customer lists of SOLANO'S, for which the employee has or will have access to during the employee's employment, are trade secrets and shall be solely the property of the employer. The company spends a significant amount of time, effort and money in the acquisition, development and maintenance of confidential information regarding its customers.

The employee agrees that he/she will not during his/her employment or for a period of one year immediately following termination of his/her employment, either directly or indirectly call upon or attempt to solicit or take away any of the Company’s customers or business products or applies to both attempts to take away the Company’s customers either for the employee or for any third party. 



All employees are expected to keep their work areas clean and organized. People using common areas such as lunch rooms, locker rooms, and restrooms are expected to keep them sanitary. Please clean up after meals and dispose of trash properly. 



Smoking is not allowed in any enclosed area of any of the SOLANO’S locations.  There are designated areas at each SOLANO’S facility that may be used for smoking.  Smoking should be conducted during rest and meal breaks. 



Employees may park their vehicles in designated areas, if space permits. If space is unavailable, employees must park in permissible public areas in the vicinity of SOLANO'S property. Employees may not use parking areas specifically designated for customers, vendors, or Company vehicles.  SOLANO'S is not responsible for any loss or damage to employee vehicles or contents while parked on Company property. 


Solicitation and Distribution of Literature 

In order to ensure efficient operation of the Company’s business and to prevent disruption to employees, we have established control of solicitations and distribution of literature on Company property. SOLANO'S has enacted rules applicable to all employees governing solicitation, distribution of written material, and entry onto the premises and work areas. All employees are expected to comply strictly with these rules. Any employee who is in doubt concerning the application of these rules should consult with his or her supervisor.

No employee shall solicit or promote support for any cause or organization during his or her working time or during the working time of the employee or employees at whom such activity is directed.

No employee shall distribute or circulate any written or printed material in work areas at any time, or during his or her working time or during the working time of the employee or employees at whom such activity is directed.

Under no circumstances will non-employees be permitted to solicit or to distribute written material for any purpose on Company property.



Safety and Health



Health and Safety

All employees are responsible for their own safety, as well as that of others in the workplace. To help us maintain a safe workplace, everyone must be safety-conscious at all times. All work-related injuries or illnesses must be reported immediately to your supervisor or to the Business Office. In compliance with California law, and to promote the concept of a safe workplace, SOLANO'S maintains an Injury and Illness Prevention Program. The Injury and Illness Prevention Program is available for review by employees from the Safety Program Administrator

In compliance with Proposition 65, SOLANO'S will inform employees of any known exposure to a chemical known to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity.

Workplace Violence

SOLANO'S has adopted the following workplace violence policy to ensure a safe working environment for all employees.

The Company has zero tolerance for acts of violence and threats of violence. Without exception, acts and threats of violence are not permitted. All such acts and threats, even those made in apparent jest, will be taken seriously, and will lead to discipline up to and including termination.

Possession of non-work related weapons on Company premises and at Company-sponsored events shall constitute a threat of violence.

It is every employee’s responsibility to assist in establishing and maintaining a violence-free work environment. Therefore, each employee is expected and encouraged to report any incident which may be threatening to you or your co-workers or any event which you reasonably believe is threatening or violent. You may report an incident to any supervisor or manager.

A threat includes, but is not limited to, any indication of intent to harm a person or damage Company property. Threats may be direct or indirect, and they may be communicated verbally or nonverbally. The following are examples of threats and acts that shall be considered violent – this list is in no way all-inclusive:



Type of Threat

Saying, “Do you want to see your next birthday?”


Writing, “Employees who kill their supervisors have the right idea.”


Saying, “I’m going to punch your lights out.”


Making a hitting motion or obscene gesture


Displaying weapons


Stalking or otherwise forcing undue attention on someone, whether romantic or hostile


Taking actions likely to cause bodily harm or property damage

Acts of violence







Employee References 

All requests for references must be directed to the Business Office. No other manager, supervisor, or employee is authorized to release references for current or former employees.

By policy, SOLANO'S discloses only the dates of employment and the title of the last position held of former employees. If you authorize the disclosure in writing, SOLANO'S also will inform prospective employers of the amount of salary or wage you last earned. 


Involuntary Termination and Progressive Discipline 

Violation of SOLANO'S policies and rules may warrant disciplinary action. The Company has a system of progressive discipline that may include verbal warnings, written warnings, and suspension. The system is not formal, and SOLANO'S may, in its sole discretion, utilize whatever form of discipline is deemed appropriate under the circumstances, up to, and including, immediate termination of employment. The Company’s policy of progressive discipline in no way limits or alters the at-will employment relationship.



Reductions in Force 

Under some circumstances, SOLANO'S may need to restructure or reduce its workforce. If restructuring our operations or reducing the number of employees becomes necessary, the Company will attempt to provide advance notice, if possible, to help prepare affected individuals. If possible, employees subject to layoff will be informed of the nature of the layoff and the foreseeable duration of the layoff, whether short-term or indefinite.

In determining which employees will be subject to layoff, SOLANO'S will take into account, among other things, operation and requirements, the skill, productivity, ability, and past performance of those involved, and also, when feasible, the employee’s length of service.



Employee is to print and sign the following document upon having read the above Handbook.