Air Pollution Safety Procedure:

Emergency Wildfire Smoke Protection Regulation

Cal/OSHA has issued an emergency rule defining an employer’s responsibilities regarding wildfire smoke /pollution that may exist in the area where the employer operates.

The ruling pertains to the use of N95 (Disposable Respirators) masks and is summarized as follows:

    1. The ruling is applicable when employees work outdoors for more than 1 hour during their shift.
    2. The use of N95 masks is recommended but optional when the Air Quality Index is 151 or greater, but less than 500. Employees may use their own masks or be provided masks by their employer. As a company policy, N95 masks will be made available to any employee affected by this rule.
    3. AQI measurements of 500 or greater require employees to be medically evaluated and mandatory use of masks provided by the employer. As a company policy, we will not require employees to work for more than 1 hour/shift in an environment where the AQI is 500 or greater.

Implementation of the new rule requires the following:

  1. Store Managers are to order a suitable quantity of N95 masks and have them available for issuance.
  2. Store Managers are directed to inform their employees of this issue and to provide this notice and attached reference material for their use.
  3. The Safety Coordinator shall be responsible for monitoring AQI data and informing the Store Managers when conditions exist that result in a recommendation of the use of masks.

General Information:

The new ruling requires the employer to obtain air quality data (AQI) from an approved government source. Currently, that data will be provided at the following internet site which provides AQI values for Yreka. According to County officials, there may be one or more new sites established in the south county in the future. The County may also issue warnings, the nature of which has not been defined at this time.

AQI Data Source ---   Select California, enter 96097 zip code