Purchasing & Receiving:


Corporate Purchasing Staff for the purpose of this procedure will consist of individuals who regularly order stock merchandise. As of date of publication of this procedure that consists of Mike Solano and Cookie Reynolds.


Sales Staff/Team Members ordering product from vendor will give the vendor a purchase order number (PO#) from their PO book when placing the order.  System Generated Purchase order numbers should only be used for orders placed by the Corporate Purchasing Staff. Team Members shall make sure all vendors are notified that we are now requiring order confirmations within one day of placing an order and that we require the purchase order# to be on the order confirmation. Team Member will ask vendor to send order confirmation, including freight, adders, additional charges or discounts via e-mail or fax within one day. The order confirmation shall be a printed hard copy.  Verbal verification will not be considered a confirmation, it must be printed confirmation from the vendor.


Team Member will verify that the order confirmation has the correct PO # on it and matches the quantities and costs of the product that they ordered.  The Team member will then build their Order/Special Order and Purchase Order as per the procedure that follows this document.  They shall then ensure that the order confirmation matches the costs that they have entered in the special order in the POS system.  PO with order confirmation attached on top should be filed in tickler file by date created to await the arrival of the product and checked off packing slip/delivery ticket.  


Freight and pallet charges to our customers will be built into the customer’s order and the PO as separate line items and handled as follows:

         Freight will be marked up 10% above freight charge from vendor.

         Freight on Willamette Greystone product- charge using SKU# WGF @ $25.00 per pallet.

         Pallets themselves will be charged at $16.00 per pallet, $13.00 of which will be credited back to the customer upon their return in good condition.  


Upon arrival of product, Yard/Store Room Team Member unloads product off the truck.  Team Member will count product only after it has been unloaded off the truck and will check it off the packing slip as described below:

         For each line item on the packing slip/delivery ticket: tally marks to the right of the quantity printed on the packing slip with a total quantity for each line item to the right of tally marks, total               quantity is to be circled and Team Member’s legible name and the date received recorded at the bottom of the page.

        For each line item on the packing slip/delivery ticket: any differences, damaged product, changes or shortages should be clearly marked on the packing slip/delivery ticket to the right of the printed quantity stating what the difference is.   

After packing slip/delivery ticket is signed off by Yard/Store Room Team Member, the packing slip will be given to the following people, being sure to verbally notify them of any differences, damages, changes or shortages immediately:

        Commodity or stock items for Store 1 purchased by the Corporate Purchasing Staff:

            Place the signed packing slip in the receiving office inbox.

                Stock P.O.s issued by the purchasing department will generally be a 5 digit number with the first digit being the store number. (ie: 17078)

            If any irregularities exist make a note of the issue (damaged, missing, wrong product etc.) If possible verbally explain issues to receiver when dropping off packing slip.

       Commodity or stock items for Store 2 purchased by the Corporate Purchasing Staff:

         Place the signed packing slip in the out to store 1 box.

              Stock P.O.s issued by the purchasing department will generally be a 5 digit number with the first digit being the store number. (ie: 21021)

          If any irregularities exist make a note of the issue (damaged, missing, wrong product etc.) If possible verbally explain issues to Store Manager when placing packing slip in out box.


     Commodity or stock items for Store 4 purchased by the Corporate Purchasing Staff:

       Place the signed packing slip in the out to store 1 box.

             Stock P.O.s issued by the purchasing department will generally be a 5 digit number with the first digit being the store number. (ie: 44032)

         If any irregularities exist make a note of the issue (damaged, missing, wrong product etc.) If possible verbally explain issues to Store Manager when placing packing slip in out box.


      Special Orders or Stocking Purchase Orders placed by Sales Team Members and by Corporate Purchasing Staff

            The P.O. Numbers for these types of purchases will begin with the initials of the person who placed the order (ie: K11212)

            Place the signed packing slip in the inbox for the person who placed the order being sure to verbally convey any discrepancies, shortages, damage or problems with the order.

            Packing slips that do not have an identifiable P.O. Number on them should be forwarded to the Store Manager to investigate who placed the order. 

All Sales Team Members receiving the signed off packing slip will check the slip against their purchase order and order confirmation for accuracy and to make sure they received all product ordered. If the freight amount was unknown at the time order was initially placed, team member will contact vendor to get the freight amount and update the cost and retail in the Special Order in POS and update the freight line in the Purchase Order in MPO.


Sales Team Members will staple the following documents together in this order, packing slip, a copy of their order confirmation and a printed copy of their P.O. together and forward to the receiving office. All packing slips given to team member must be properly submitted to the receiving department prior to the end of each day. 


Packing slips received for orders placed by Team Members who are on vacation or sick shall be routed to their supervisor to handle.  


Packing slips submitted to the Receiving Office that do not conform to the requirements of Section 7 will not be received and instead will be immediately routed to the Team Member’s Supervisor who will take the appropriate action to remedy the situation.  Under no circumstances will the Receiving Department receive the product until all documents are presented and correct.  Under no circumstances are sales staff to sell or release the product to a customer until the product is received correctly by the Receiving Department. 


Once the product is received the Receiving Department will pass all finalized receiving documents to the Accounts Payable Department to match with incoming bills.  Any errors or discrepancies will be brought to the attention of the Store Manager who will work with the Sales Team Member who ordered the product.  Any issues will be handled with the vendor in a timely manner to get the bill paid by the discount or due date, whichever comes first.  Copies of all necessary paperwork (order confirmations, packing slips/delivery tickets will be provided to help the Sales Team Member get the issue resolved with the vendor. 


Credits and Credit POs will be handled as per above procedures, with a printed Returned Goods Authorization (RGA) or a Credit Confirmation being obtained from the vendor showing credit amount/restocking fees and attached to a copy of the PO and given to the Receiving Department.  Credits should only be passed on to the customer once we have the credit confirmation in hand from the vendor.